GBN Banville Notaire



The death of a loved one is an unsettling situation for family members and the opening of the succession often raises issues that the deceased could not have foreseen. Our notaries at GBN NOTAIRE are experts at assisting the liquidator in carrying out his or her obligations and responsibilities towards family members and showing him or her the regulations and the process involved in completing the task.

  • Will search
  • Succession settlement
  • Verification of a holograph will and will made in the presence of witnesses
  • Renunciation of a succession
  • Legal advice

Human Rights Law

The notaries at GBN NOTAIRE have developed expertise in human rights law including drawing up documents such as your will or protection mandate. They can also provide information and assist you with your de facto union relationship or marriage preparation. Our notaries will guide you through the most important events in your life.

  • Marriage contract
  • Wedding celebration
  • Agreement governing a de facto union
  • Change of matrimonial regime
  • Will and testament
  • Protection mandate (mandate in case of incapacity)
  • Power of attorney
  • Advance medical directives
  • Legal advice

The protection of vulnerable persons

It can be a very difficult experience accompanying someone close to you suffering from an intellectual disability or an illness that prevents them from exercising their rights. The notaries in our office can assist and guide you through the various steps to take in order to appoint a representative for this individual and advise you about all your obligations and responsibilities.

  • Creation of tutorship
  • Homologation of protection mandate
  • Assistance measure
  • Temporary representation for an incapacitated adult
  • Guardianship of minors
  • Legal advice